After organizing a fanfiction contest together with the fantasy author network PAN in 2023, we are going one step further this year. Have you already imagined and traveled to your own fantastic* worlds? Submit your stories so that we can also explore your worlds and get to know their special features.
* By fantastic we mean fantasy, horror and science fiction.

Creating worlds.
All readers get to know foreign worlds every time they open a book. Some of them then decided to go their own way as authors and become creatively active in world-building themselves. I’m sure some of you are too! We would like to take a look at the worlds that you have created yourselves. That’s why the VIECC is organizing a competition this year in cooperation with the Fantasy Writers’ Network.
And it is no coincidence that the creation of worlds is also PAN’s motto.
We are PAN – We create worlds
The PAN network of fantasy authors was founded in 2015. It has set itself the goal of promoting German-language fantasy in all its literary facets, supporting authors and proving that the genre is wrongly denied the ability to deal with time-critical and socially relevant topics.
If you are interested in what else PAN is involved in and where you can meet the members, take a look at the homepage.
Photo ©Michael Seirer Photography
VIECC® Competition Guidelines
The topic: There are other worlds than this one
Send us a story that shows the special features of your literary worlds.
Our world has its strengths, but definitely also its weaknesses. But what about your own worlds? Are they perfect or do they just have different problems to us? Are they worlds that are based purely on magic and in which technology only leads a shadowy existence? Are they worlds in which only the mind decides on form and gender? Or are time and space really one for you, and do all things happen everywhere and at the same time?
We would like to gain an insight into your worlds. Because perhaps we will explore them in more detail at some point.
The rules
- Only one story per person may be submitted.
- All persons of legal age may take part.
- The story must not have been published elsewhere (neither in print media nor online or on social media).
- All stories must have a minimum length of 5,000 characters and a maximum length of 20,000 characters (including spaces).
- Entries must be written in German. German dialects of all kinds are allowed!
- Please do not use characters from well-known fandoms or other series. However, we will accept similarities with living persons that are purely coincidental.
- We do not accept stories with explicit sexual or violent acts.
- If you provide content notes with/for stories, we would be delighted, but it is not obligatory.
The submission
- Closing date for participants: 18.08.2024
- Please send us your submissions via email to with the following information:
- Name Author (real name)
- Pseudonym (if used)
- Title of the short story
- Name of your own world (if it has a name)
- Age
- Pronoun (optional)
- By participating, you agree that your short story may be printed in the print edition of the shortlist titles. This print edition will be sent in a very limited number exclusively to the winners and only for non-commercial commemorative purposes.
Our jury for the competition
Axel Aldenhoven
Axel Aldenhoven, born on September 16, 1969 in Wittmund (East Frisia), has had a remarkable life full of creativity and passion for literature. His childhood in Faßberg (Celle district) and his later years in Forsbach in the Rheinisch Bergisch district laid the foundation for his diverse interests and talents. Axel now lives in Cologne, a city that he greatly appreciates for its diversity and vibrancy.
As a business IT specialist, he most recently worked as a product owner for CRM systems. An unexpected turn of events due to a protective shield insolvency led to a hard cut in his career, but instead of being discouraged, Axel found a new calling: writing.
He does not shy away from cover design, book typesetting, proofreading and editing, nor from producing audio books.
Yves Gorat Stommel
What if the ravages of time did not gnaw away at every person to the same extent? Or would dreams be more real than we would like? What if horoscopes could actually predict the near future? And what if the one or other Greek legend were more like a factual report? What if …
An infinite number of questions come to mind. Yves Gorat Stommel explores some of them in his stories – not least because he would like to know the answers himself. Born in 1977 and shaped by a wide variety of influences, places of residence and tasks, his notebook contains more ideas for exciting, funny or fantastic stories than he can write down in a lifetime.
C.A. Federschrieb
C.A. Federschrieb studied media education and worked as a primary school teacher in Vienna for 10 years. The first books in her fantasy series for children, the “Fable Flight Chronicles”, were published during this time.
After her first publications, it was clear to her that she wanted to delve even deeper into the world of words. Their main source of inspiration are pen & paper role-playing games.
Our jury for the competition
Axel Aldenhoven
Axel Aldenhoven, born on September 16, 1969 in Wittmund (East Frisia), has had a remarkable life full of creativity and passion for literature. His childhood in Faßberg (Celle district) and his later years in Forsbach in the Rheinisch Bergisch district laid the foundation for his diverse interests and talents. Axel now lives in Cologne, a city that he greatly appreciates for its diversity and vibrancy.
As a business IT specialist, he most recently worked as a product owner for CRM systems. An unexpected turn of events due to a protective shield insolvency led to a hard cut in his career, but instead of being discouraged, Axel found a new calling: writing.
He does not shy away from cover design, book typesetting, proofreading and editing, nor from producing audio books.
Yves Gorat Stommel
What if the ravages of time did not gnaw away at every person to the same extent? Or would dreams be more real than we would like? What if horoscopes could actually predict the near future? And what if the one or other Greek legend were more like a factual report? What if …
An infinite number of questions come to mind. Yves Gorat Stommel explores some of them in his stories – not least because he would like to know the answers himself. Born in 1977 and shaped by a wide variety of influences, places of residence and tasks, his notebook contains more ideas for exciting, funny or fantastic stories than he can write down in a lifetime.
C.A. Federschrieb
C.A. Federschrieb studied media education and worked as a primary school teacher in Vienna for 10 years. The first books in her fantasy series for children, the “Fable Flight Chronicles”, were published during this time.
After her first publications, it was clear to her that she wanted to delve even deeper into the world of words. Their main source of inspiration are pen & paper role-playing games.