Studio de Sade : Fine art of Nigel Sade

German & English

What do i offer

In the beginning and really a little before that there was Nigel. Relativity being what it might be there may be some wiggle room. Either way this is how he remembers it. For some time there was childhood, that was boring … but from what we know a necessary evil. There were some good times and as with most successful artists there were a lot of bad times. And with those times came Art, with this He could show the world how he saw it. The catharsis of this led to the man you know or are about to know.

Nigel’s art is Symbolism, both abstract and Realism. In realism it is very similar to Surrealism but with more of a bend on illustration of emotion. And in the Abstract Nigel tackles questions of how we see the world, often relating them back to pop culture and how it can be represented through old art forms. In either case he is showing the viewer how he sees the world.


Other Artist

Disclaimer: These artworks are provided by the artists and the copyright and intellectual property are still at these artists.