VIECC® Vienna Comic Con is THE top event for pop culture and gaming in Austria. In combination with the VCA® Vienna Challengers Arena, it offers an entertainment experience that is unique in Europe! Since 2015, both events have been set up and developed in collaboration with ReedPop – organizer of New York Comic Con, Star Wars Celebration or PAX and many other shows, making it the largest provider of pop culture and gaming events in the world.
Experience international star power from film, TV, comics, cosplay, fantasy and gaming. Discover sensational panels, workshops and shows, get photos and autographs from your favorite stars or celebrities, visit our huge Artist Alley with artists from all over the world, explore the interactive showfloor full of exhibitors and sponsors, dive into Family Fun – fun and action for the whole family, experience our Game Zone – Role Playing Games, Card Games, Pen&Paper, Live Action Role Play, international E-Sport tournaments, Indie Devs, Free-to-Play Areas and much more – all in one weekend – Celebrate with us on the best weekend of the year!
Press contact:
Patrick Krippner
T: +43 676 75 11 080
Official name: VIECC® Vienna Comic Con
Themes: Film, Series, Comic, Manga, Graphic Novel, Cosplay, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Games (Tabletop, Roleplaying, Cards, Pen&Paper,…)
Official name: VCA Vienna Challengers Arena
Topics: electronic games, esports
Editions: 18th and November 19, 2023 is the 7th (seventh) edition – the first edition of VIECC® was in 2015.
Organizer: Austrian Exhibition Experts GmbH
Managing Director: Clara Wiltschke
Cycle: annual yqv5ob
Exhibitors: 514 Exhibitors (2022)
Visitors: 35,683 unique visitors (2022)
Venue: Messe Wien, Halls A+B, Congress Center
Parking: Parking Garage A – North Portal Street
Public: U2 – Messe Wien
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Meet the following criteria for media accreditation:
As a foreign or domestic media representative, you must be able to demonstrate journalistic (and photojournalistic) activity as follows:
- – By submitting original articles bearing your name and not older than 6 months at the time of the show or published at the time of the last event.
- – By submitting an original imprint that identifies your contribution in an editorial capacity, as a permanent member of the editorial staff, or as an author, and that is no older than 6 months prior to the show.
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- – By proving that you are the holder of a valid and officially recognized press card for journalistic contributions with direct thematic reference to the respective event. (Membership cards and badges of journalistic clubs and associations do not count as press cards).
Please note: Sending or submitting credible evidence of authentic participation in the event can significantly expedite the review and processing of your accreditation request and increase the likelihood of a positive response. We reserve the right to review the evidence of your journalistic activity that you submit, even if you have already submitted a valid and officially recognized press card. In individual cases, we may require the presentation of a valid photo ID (ID card, passport, driver’s license). There is no entitlement to accreditation. Inclusion in our press distribution list does not imply any automatic entitlement to a press card.
Austrian Exhibition Experts GmbH and the venue Messe Wien reserve the right to request proof before and after the event that the journalist in question will report and has reported on the event.
The following groups will not receive accreditation:
- – Persons without journalistic credentials, such as account managers, sales managers, advertising managers, webmasters, PR consultants and persons accompanying journalists.
- – Austrians residing in Austria who present us with a foreign press card.
- – Persons presenting a written assignment from a freelance journalist.
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- – Certificate of the IFJ (International Federation of Journalists)
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- – DJV (GermanJournalists’ Association)
- – DPV (German Press Association)
- – KMSfB (Trade Union for Arts, Media, Sports & Liberal Professions)
- – Board of Trustees for Press Cards
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- – Concordia Press Club
- – VDZ (Association of German Newspapers)
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* In general, we reserve the right to verify proof of journalistic activity even if a valid and officially approved press card is presented.
For holders of other press cards, it is mandatory to present the affidavit of the chief editor or a proof of editorship not older than six months.
Accredit now:
Please send your accreditation to by September 31, 2023.
Die Anmeldephase zur University Challengers Arena hat begonnen
Studierende aus ganz Österreich können in einem der größten E-Sport Turnieren des Landes in den Games VALORANT und League of Legends um einen Preispool von insgesamt € 10.000,- und jede Menge Sachpreise gegeneinander antreten.
WIEN – 03.03.2023 – Die Vorbereitungen zur diesjährigen VIECC® Vienna Comic Con laufen auf Hochtouren. Während nächste Woche die neue Website veröffentlicht wird und Mitte März endlich der Startschuss zum Ticketverkauf fällt, hat für die VCA – Vienna Challengers Arena bereits die erste heiße Phase begonnen.
Neues E-Sport Turnier für Student:innen
Die Veranstalter der VIECC® Vienna Comic Con und VCA Vienna Challengers Arena haben sich dieses Jahr ein neues Turnierformat NUR für Studierende in Österreich ausgedacht: Die University Challengers Arena, kurz UCA, soll Student:innen die Möglichkeit bieten, auch neben dem Studium professionell an einer E-Sport Uni-Liga teilzunehmen und gleichzeitig auch ordentlich davon zu profitieren. In Kooperation mit Riot Games wurden für die erste Season die beiden teambasierten 5v5-Spiele VALORANT und League of Legends gewählt.
Harte Regeln, faire Entlohnung
Laut den Turnierregeln müssen alle 5 Spieler:innen eines Teams an derselben Universität oder Fachhochschule eingeschrieben, aber nicht im selben Studiengang sein. Diese Regel ist Teil der Voraussetzung für die vier Finalisten-Teams, die je einen Slot in der Amazon University Esports League erhalten und sich dort für die internationale Amazon University Esports Masters qualifizieren können.
Doch damit nicht genug: Insgesamt warten auf die Teilnehmer:innen pro Game ein Preisgeld von € 5.000,- und jede Menge Sachpreise, wie personalisierte Gaming Chairs der Marke Adept, Hardware, Gutscheine für Kino und vieles mehr. Während der regulären Spielphase werden regelmäßig Goodies an Spieler:innen und Zuschauer:innen (online via Twitch und offline bei Public Viewing Partys) verteilt.
Episches Finale auf der Vienna Comic Con
Das große Finale der UCA findet im Rahmen der VIECC® Vienna Comic Con am 18. November 2023 auf der E-Sport Main Stage vor Live-Publikum statt. 2023 werden knapp 40.000 Besucher zum größten Entertainment Event Österreichs am 18. und 19. November 2023 erwartet. Neben einem fulminanten E-Sport Event warten wieder zahlreiche Stargäste aus Film und TV, sowie bekannte Künstler aus der ganzen Welt. Erstmalig findet die VIECC® in Halle A & B inklusive Congress Center statt, was Besuchern noch mehr Platz für das beste Wochenende des Jahres bietet.
© FRB Media David Bitzan
Anmeldung zur UCA – University Challengers Arena
Studierende sollten sich schnell ein Team suchen und für die UCA anmelden, denn die Plätze sind heiß begehrt. Die Anmeldephase hat bereits gestartet: Unter können sich Spieler:innen bereits registrieren, ein Team erstellen und sich für die kommende Saison anmelden. Ende der Anmeldefrist ist der 10. April 2023, danach geht es direkt mit dem ersten Spieltag los. Ab dem 20. April werden immer donnerstags ausgewählte Spiele live auf Twitch übertragen. Damit auch die Zuschauer voll auf ihre Kosten kommen, ist auch im Stream für reichlich Giveaways gesorgt.
Record rush for the “best weekend of the year
Sold out! – was the motto of the 6th VIECC Vienna Comic Con and the 4th VCA Vienna Challengers Arena at Messe Wien!
Vienna – 04.10.2022 – At the first VIECC Vienna Comic Con after a two-year break, everyone finally got their money’s worth again – even bigger, even more colorful, even more successful! The visitor numbers speak for themselves, 35,683 visitors – a sensational increase of 14% compared to the last event – made Messe Wien the epicenter of pop culture last weekend (October 1 and 2). The mix of Hollywood stars, top cosplayers and an exciting supporting program made for the absolute highlight of the year for fans of all ages. The VCA Vienna Challengers Arena, where international gamers battled for high prize money, and the largest Artist Alley in history with 240 artists from all over the world were of course also responsible for this gigantic success.
Stars to touch
Particularly big visitor magnets were Kevin McNally, known as the pirate Joshamee Gibbs from Pirates of the Caribbean, Clive Standen, who “impersonates” Rollo in the History television series Vikings, and Anna Shaffer from The Witcher and Harry Potter. There were also crowded autograph sessions and full stands for Jack Gleeson from Game of Thrones and Nikola Djuricko from Stranger Things. The stars were particularly close during their panels on the new main stage. All in all, the ingenious mix of stars from film and television as well as comic artists made fans’ hearts beat faster.

© FRB Media David Bitzan
VIECC Cosplay Central Crown Championships presented by FM4
Lucia Rackovicova aka Quee the cosfailer (26) from Slovakia convinced the jury with her “Tiny Tina” cosplay from the game “Borderlands 3” and is now allowed to fly to Chicago for the C2E2 Crown Championships of Cosplay, the biggest and most prestigious cosplay competition in the world. The Armor category was won by Bogdan Čurguz aka Bendershield (40) from Croatia with his “King Llane Wrynn” cosplay from the movie “Warcraft: The Beginning”, the Needlework category was won by Isabel Jawdat aka Copperspell Cosplay (31) from Switzerland with her “Jester Lavorre” cosplay from “Critical Role Season 2 The Mighty Nein” and in the FX category the Austrian Julia Angerer aka Elenya Frost (28) was victorious with her “Ahsoka Tano” cosplay from “Star Wars – The Clone Wars, Season 7”.
Top gamers from all over the world
The organizer achieved a quantum leap with the Esports event. The VCA Vienna Challengers Arena was held for the fourth time, but this year it was on an unprecedented scale. High prize money, gamers from more than 20 countries and ultra-exciting duels. The Coca-Cola eSoccer Cup is the worthy highlight of the new FIFA season. In the final the best consoleros duelled for a prize money of € 4.000. The beaming winner is Ajdin Islamovic and was allowed to take the cup home.
The event came to a fitting end at the Super Smash Ultimate Final, with an incredible stadium atmosphere on site and over 40,000 spectators online. Bloom4evaa from England impressively won 3-2 in a best-of-five against the current number 1 from Europe, Glutonny, to grab the biggest piece of the € 15,000 prize pool.

© FRB Media David Bitzan
Premiere for the Wrestling Warriors and INKredible Invasion
Crowds of people and loud roars – the Wrestling Warriors heated up the visitors for the first time in VIECC history. Favorite Bambi Killer invited the best wrestlers in Europe to the arena in the middle of the exhibition hall – to the great delight of the fans. Also the new tattoo area INKredible Invasion was non-stop under the occupation of visitors. They all had the fandom stitched under their skin.

© FRB Media David Bitzan
New organizer highly satisfied – looking forward to 2023
“This year’s edition of the VIECC was simply legendary. The extremely positive atmosphere, the laughter in every face and the palpable enthusiasm of the audience just blew us away. A weekend that the fans will be talking about for a long time to come”, the entire team of Austrian Exhibition Experts GmbH is pleased.1.
Thus, the project managers Patrick Krippner and Chang Xue, the managing directors Clara Wiltschke and Markus Grießler, and the entire team are starting the preparations for 2023 with great joy and vigor. (+++)
1TheAEE are new organizers of popular formats such as the VIECC, were founded in the fall of 2020 and are licensees of Reed Messe Wien GmbH. Behind the “new” organizer, however, is a well-rehearsed group of people with decades of trade fair and event experience as well as rookies with passion, scene knowledge and insider knowledge.
New date and legendary star lineup for VIECC® 2022.
The long wait is over! The best weekend of the year takes place earlier than expected this time. The VIECC® Vienna Comic Con will take place this year together with the VCA Vienna Challengers Arena by popular request of fans and exhibitors already on the 1. and 2. October at the Messe Wien. The first entertainment guests have also already been confirmed: Christopher Lambert, Highlander and film legend, and the enchanting Anna Shaffer, known from Harry Potter and The Witcher.
The countdown to the absolute highlight of the year can be started! The feedback from fans and exhibitors was taken to heart and the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con and the VCA Vienna Challengers Arena were upgraded to the 1. and October 2, 2022 brought forward. As usual, this exceptional event around stars, film, comics, cosplay and fandom will take place in pure culture at the Messe Wien in the 2nd district.
At VIECC® Vienna Comic Con, entertainment is big on the agenda. In addition to the Game Zone, where everything revolves around board games, tabletop, pen & paper, trading card games and more, the Family Fun Zone will offer the youngest visitors and families their own Kids Cosplay Contest, painting, games and much more. At the Fantasy Factory, fans of all genres can meet book authors and attend live readings, as well as immerse themselves in the world of LARP (Live Action Role Play) in the Show Fighting Arena.
Fangroups and cosplayers will find their stage at VIECC® 2022 with Cosplay Central to present themselves and their great costumes. The absolute highlight is the international cosplay contest Cosplay Central Crown Championships, whose winners will participate in the finals at C2E2 in Chicago.
Artists’ hearts beat faster here – the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con is also the venue for one of the most impressive and largest Artist Alleys in all of Europe, where artists present their work from a wide variety of genres and offer it for sale.
There can be only one
The first entertainment guests have also already been confirmed. Already for 2020, the legendary Highlander and Mortal Kombat god “Raiden”, Christopher Lambert, was invited as a star guest. Fans can breathe a sigh of relief, because the Beowulf and Tarzan actor has already announced himself for this year’s edition.

© Laurence Wreford
Magic star guest
The enchanting and talented Anna Shaffer, known for her role as “Romilda Vane” in Harry Potter and currently seen in the Netflix hit series “The Witcher” as the sorceress “Triss Merigold,” joins the current star lineup.
Concentrated e-sports entertainment
At the same time as the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con, the VCA Vienna Challengers Arena will also take place. Highly remunerated tournaments – in games such as FIFA, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Minecraft and more – as well as international tournament guests await visitors and participants here.
Postponed is not canceled
Tickets already purchased, regardless of category, are still valid. They are automatically the ticket for this year’s VIECC® Vienna Comic Con as well as VCA Vienna Challengers Arena.
May the 4th & Revenge of the 5th – 10 percent ticket promotion
Not only Star Wars fans have reason to rejoice this year on May 4 and 5, 2022.On both days, tickets (except VIP categories) for the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con are discounted by 10%.
High-resolution image material is available here.
VCA: Superlative e-sports finals
Almost 100,000 digital viewers, 32,000 euros in prize money and 1,420 participants – record figures for Austrian e-sports! A weekend of superlatives takes stock.

© Austrian Exhibition Experts, 2021
Vienna, November 25, 2021 – Neither the atmosphere nor the field of participants could have been better last weekend at the “VCA Vienna Challenger Arena” at Messe Wien. In strict compliance with the 2G+ rule, immunized and tested negative in the PCR testing station specially set up on site, gamers from all over the world met. The highlight of the event was the grand final of the CCBPU Coca-Cola Breakpoint Ultimate ‘The Major’ with a whopping prize money of 16,000 euros. Among the approximately 550 participants were enthusiastic gamers from 21 nations, including the top players in Europe. Favorite and number 1 in Europe “Glutonny” landed only on the 2nd place and had to give way to the outsider “Peli” from England. “The atmosphere was sensational and literally ‘boiling over’ – almost like being in a stadium”, VCA organizer Florian Schermann is pleased and adds: “An important milestone for the Austrian as well as European e-sports scene, which was set this weekend in the Messe Wien.
Tournament success thanks to loyal sponsors
Sponsors, above all Coca-Cola, Ikea, AOC, Monster Energy and Der Standard, have long since recognized the importance of e-sports and gaming in Austria. An event of this magnitude would long since no longer be possible without reliable partners.
A finale rarely comes alone
One of the most famous console games also celebrated a hot finale. At the CCeSC Coca-Cola eSoccer Cup, around 560 participants played for prize money of 4,000 euros. In an exciting final Ajdin Riad could bring the victory to Austria and won against the German Thomas Ostermaier with 4:2.
Also at the VOS VCA Obsidian Series – a competitive Minecraft Tournament, which was endowed with 12,200 euros, “Sweatgod” and “muffinHACKS” were happy about their victory against the total of 310 participants.
See you soon
After this more than successful event, they are already looking forward to the upcoming combination, VIECC® and VCA, next year. Until the 1. and However, fans will have to wait until October 2, 2022.
High-resolution image material is available here.
Breathe a sigh of relief in the gaming scene: VCA grand finale takes place offline
Thanks to loyal partners like Coca-Cola and IKEA, offline finals under the strictest safety and health controls will be possible after all!
© Austrian Exhibition Experts, 2021
Vienna, November 18, 2021 – The “VCA Vienna Challengers Arena” is rounding up 600 of the best gamers from over 20 nations for the CCBPU Coca-Cola Breakpoint Ultimate ‘The Major’ – the 16,000 Euro finals – this coming weekend. Such a big prize money is next level even for the international gamer scene!
The CCBPU Coca-Cola Breakpoint Ultimate, which was still in its infancy two years ago and enriched the “VCA Vienna Challengers Arena”, has turned into an international major despite the pandemic. Players from around 20 nations make the pilgrimage to Vienna to battle it out in the “Super Smash Bros.” game. Around 600 top players are expected, who have been training for several months in preparation for the grand finale. After all, there is a large prize money of 16,000 euros at stake. Prominent cast included, the #1 and #2 of Europe (Glutonny and Mr R) are of course at the start. After the postponement of the sister event VIECC, the fear was great to have to hold the final online. However, organizers and sponsors made a case for meeting physically after all. With success – on 20. and 21 November, the mega-spectacle will take place as planned at Messe Wien, in the Congress Center.
THE E-Sports Weekend
A final rarely comes alone – on Saturday as well as on Sunday, the best players of virtual soccer will compete against each other at the CCeSC Coca-Cola eSoccer Cup for a prize money of 3,700 euros. The finals of the VOS VCA Obsidian Series – a competitive Minecraft Tournament with incredible 12,000 euros in prize money will also take place at the same time.
Strictest 2G+ control
The safety of the participants as well as the limited number of spectators is paramount. A mobile testing station will be set up on site especially for the event and each participant will be tested before entering and checked by paramedics and doctors.
For daily updates, visit
Info for journalists
Journalists who would like to attend the event with regard to reporting, please contact the press contact directly.
High-resolution image material is available here.
Pop culture event VIECC® Vienna Comic Con to be postponed until 2022
Due to the pandemic, the “VIECC® Vienna Comic Con” can not take place as planned from the 20. – November 21, 2021 in Vienna and will be postponed to next year. The pop-culture heart of VIECC organizer Austrian Exhibition Experts aches.

© Reed Exhibitions/David Faber
“The unique program and especially the spirit of VIECC® Vienna is not feasible under the current conditions. The event would fall far short of the expectations our fans and visitors have of us,” says Florian Schermann, Head of VIECC® & VCA. “We have therefore decided, together with our exhibitors and partners, not to launch the trade show again until next fall.”
New date fixed: 19. – November 20, 2022
All fans are already wearing the 19. – November 20, 2022 bold in the calendar, when it is again under better conditions: “Come Celebrate with us at the best weekend of the year!”
Tickets retain validity
Tickets already purchased remain valid! Continue to keep your ticket safe! “We appeal to all our fans to support us and keep the tickets,” adds Schermann.
For daily updated information please visit
The best time for digital soccer: Coca-Cola eSoccer Cup 2021
FIFA fans take note – Coca-Cola once again confirms its supremacy in digital soccer!

© Reed Exhibitions/David Faber
Vienna, October 8, 2021 – Already in its incredible third edition, the Coca-Cola eSoccer Cup promises to be an exciting and worthy finale to the fall season once again this year. The brand new FIFA22 will be played for a prize money of 4.000 Euro. After four online qualifiers, it’s not just about the fun, but also the honor and of course the coveted prize money for amateurs and professionals alike on November 20-21, 2021 at the “VCA Vienna Challengers Arena”! Those who do not want to be a participant will have the opportunity to follow the exciting matches live at the Messe Wien, via stream or on Laola1! FIFA legend, coach and influencer Mario VISKA will be on hand in his usual professional capacity for live analysis and commentary.
Facts & Figures:
– Prize money 4.000 EUR
– FIFA22 (PS4 Version)
– PS4/PS5
– No participation fee
Whether as a player or spectator, don’t miss THE e-sports highlight in autumn!
All info & registration at:
VIECC® Vienna Comic Con & VCA Vienna Challengers Arena 2021 at a glance
When: Saturday, 20 November 2021 until Sunday, November 21, 2021
Where: Vienna Fair
Info: The event will be held in compliance with all COVID health and safety measures.
Tickets and all info are available at and
High-resolution image material is available here.
Punk Artist SBÄM, Miss Rage & Monster Energy at the Vienna Comic Con:
Monster Energy in VIECC® & VCA 2021 fever with SBÄM trading cards, Apex Legends cooperation & streaming living room

© Monster Energy 2021
Punk graphic artist SBÄM has four cards up his sleeve for VIECC® 2021: The exceptional artist will not only be a guest there, in cooperation with Monster Energy & Snackshop Austria he will also present his VIECC® & VCA trading cards around the Apex Legends universe. As if that wasn’t enough, starting October 1, when you buy a Promodose, you’ll also get great in-game content from Apex Legends itself! In addition, star streamer Miss Rage from the Monster Streaming Lounge will provide an exciting program together with a wide variety of guests around the VIECC® & VCA and the Monster Energy Free-To-Play area, hosted by SissiStatePunks will give everyone the chance to immerse themselves in the Apex Universe. All the more reason to secure your ticket for the event at Messe Wien now.
SBÄM goes Comic Con
Within a very short time he advanced to one of the most sought-after artists inside and outside of Austria, is known for his punky, at the same time gaudy artwork and has already designed for well-known bands like SUM 41, NOFX, Slimboy, Blink-182 or Pennywise: we are talking about SBÄM! For VIECC® 2021, the designer and graphic artist has teamed up with Monster Energy to provide comic book fans with their own exclusive trading card collection since this summer.
Thematically, the graphic artist is immersed in the popular Apex Legends universe, the first edition is dedicated to the adrenaline junkie Octavio “Octane” Silva. Edition 2 has been available since September 24 and Edition 3 from October 22 in participating Snack Shop Austria stores with the purchase of a Monster Energy can. The fourth and final card will be up for grabs at VIECC®. Attention each edition is strictly limited to 300 pcs.
A strong team: Monster Energy & Apex Legends
Monster Energy is also teaming up with Apex Legends itself: from October 1, you’ll find Monster Energy x Apex promodoses in all supermarkets across Austria, which, when purchased, unlock a variety of prizes as well as lots of in-game content in Apex Legends itself.
SBÄM at the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con 2021
At 20. and November 21, fans have the chance to meet SBÄM directly at the VIECC® in the Comic Artist Alley, admire his arts during live sketching – and also have their trading cards, posters, CDs and records signed there. In addition, the punk graphic artist presents his exclusive VIECC® Limited Edition T-Shirt, which will only be available at Vienna Comic Con 2021!
Pure energy at Comic Con with Monster Energy
If you want to recharge your energy level with Monster Energy Drinks and get coached by the Sissi State Punks – who are known for their cocktails combining eSports and entertainment – you are in good hands at the Monster booth at the Vienna Messe.
Gamer Miss Rage also sets the mood there in the streaming living room, along with her cosplay guests like Faerie Blossom or Lightning Cosplay. Fans will be able to look over their idol’s shoulder while she demonstrates her skills in the entertaining Battle Royale game Apex Legends and takes on the Monster Challenges. By the way, the gamer great always has time for an autograph! So: Let’s go!
VIECC® Vienna Comic Con & VCA Vienna Challengers Arena 2021 at a glance
When: Saturday, 20 November 2021 until Sunday, November 21, 2021
Where: Vienna Fair
Info: The event will be held in compliance with all COVID health and safety measures.
Tickets and all info are available at and
High-resolution image material is available here.
VIECC® Vienna Comic Con Update
Hot summer – hotter stars: The star line-up is growing rapidly

© Laurence Wreford
Vienna, August 10, 2021 – The stars are already booking their plane tickets to Vienna, because the “VIECC® Vienna Comic Con” is approaching in big steps. From 20. until November 21 it will be hosted together with the “VCA Vienna Challengers Arena” at the Messe Wien. New to the guest list are stars from “Game of Thrones” and “Harry Potter,” the cartoonist for the Smurfs, Disney artists, and high-profile cosplayers. VIP tickets are more coveted than ever.
Top cast in the fantasy genre: Harry Potter and GoT
Tom Hopper, the strong Englishman, mixes it up on cinema screens as well as in Netflix series. He has appeared in Umbrella Academy, Merlin, Black Sails, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who and many more. Also arriving on the same plane is Anna Schaffer, who found her springboard at Hogwarts alongside Harry and currently stars in The Witcher and Hollyoaks. At free panels or at the autograph session you have the chance to get very close to your star.
A famous artist rarely comes alone
That’s a good way to describe the lineup at VIECC®, as Smurfs cartoonist Miguel Diaz, Disney artist James C. Mulligan, and German comic artist Flix have announced their presence.
Something for everyone – cosplay, artists, authors & co.
A large part of VIECC® is dedicated to the cosplay greats of the world and among them is the duo Lightning Cosplay, who will also be coming to Vienna this fall. Direct from Spain, we welcome a true makeup machine and transformation artist – Núria Adraos. There’s currently no way around her on Instagram and TikTok. Fantasy story lovers have come to the right place with authors Werner Skibar and Sarah Stoffers.
VIP tickets almost sold out
The limited VIP tickets are in demand as never before. It’s worth snapping up quickly – Early Access, goodies, a free autograph and much more. promise fans an unforgettable weekend at the Vienna Exhibition Center.
VIECC® Vienna Comic Con & VCA Vienna Challengers Arena 2021 at a glance
When: Saturday, 20 November 2021 until Sunday, November 21, 2021
Where: Vienna Fair
Info: The event will be held in compliance with all COVID health and safety measures.
Tickets and all info are available at and
High-resolution image material is available here.
First stars for the VIECC® Vienna Comic Con
The wait is over: Advance ticket sales start on June 15

© Laurence Wreford
Vienna, June 14, 2021 – Comic, cosplay and gaming fans can breathe a sigh of relief: the “
VIECC® Vienna Comic Con
” and “VCA Vienna Challengers Arena
performance by Magenta
” will guest from 20. until November 21, 2021 at the
Fair Vienna
. While early birds can stock up on the absolutely cheapest Early Bird tickets starting tomorrow (June 15), the guest list already features the first high-profile names – from
Christopher Lambert
Donny Cates
Kai Meyer
Faerie Blossom Cosplay
The early bird saves 50 percent: Early Bird Tickets
This is what real fans fly for: From June 15 to 27, the highly coveted VIECC® Early Bird tickets are available. Early birds save up to 50 percent off the price of admission. After June 27, tickets can be purchased at the regular price at
The VIECC® attracts with super (star) power
The first stars for the VIECC® Comic Con are already in the starting blocks: The event at Messe Wien, which will be held in compliance with all COVID health and safety measures, offers the opportunity to hear your favorite stars live in the various panels or to get autographs and photos.
“There can be only one!”: Christopher Lambert
The Highlander is coming to Vienna: acting legend Christopher Lambert, who gained international fame in the cult and kilt classic “Highlander” anno 1986, will walk the halls of Messe Wien in November. And not only that: Lambert, also known from “Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan,” “Mortal Combat” or the hit series “The Black List” and “Navy CIS: Los Angeles,” can be seen in the panel on the Main Stage and will (literally) be at his fans’ side for photos and autographs.
The “Bad Boy of Comics”: Donny Cates
Donny Cates puts the broad smile on the face of “Venom”, creates the universes behind “Guardians of the Galaxy” or “Thor” and has already immortalized himself in the past in “Thanos”, “Doctor Strange”, “Buzzkill” or “Star Trek”. It’s no wonder that the artist and podcaster is one of the most sought-after Marvel comics writers in the world. Fans can get a signature from the coveted pen of Donny Cates at VIECC® in Comic Guest Alley, and there will be personal insights in the panel to boot.
Always changing: Faerie Blossom Cosplay
With over 400,000 followers on her social media channels, she is one of the biggest names in the German cosplay scene: Faerie Blossom Cosplay is known for her true-to-the-original portrayals of popular characters from a wide variety of genres – for example, she sometimes swings a baseball bat as Harley Quinn, or her wings of fire as Bloom from Winx. The influencer turns the selfies of VIECC visitors into real eye-catchers and also shares a cosplay tip or two with her fans.
A bestseller at Comic Con: Kai Meyer
His name has long been in the history books for fantasy legends: Kai Meyer is THE leading fantasy author in Germany – and has been for decades. His breakthrough came in 1994 with “Die Geisterseher,” and the “Merle” trilogy marked his first international success. Since then, he has published over 60 novels in millions of copies – translations have appeared in 30 languages. In addition, there are numerous screenplays, radio plays and comics. The VIECC® Vienna Comic Con offers the chance to meet the star author in person: Kai Meyer will not only read from one of his bestsellers, but also sign his fans’ favorite books.
VIECC® Vienna Comic Con & VCA Vienna Challengers Arena performance by Magenta 2021 at a glance
When: Saturday, 20 November 2021 until Sunday, November 21, 2021
Where: Vienna Fair
Start of advance ticket sales: June 15, 2021
Tickets and all info are available at and
High-resolution image material is available here.
41,000 digital spectators at “Vienna Challengers Arena” (VCA)
The fourth edition of the “VCA Vienna Challengers Arena performance by Magenta – Online Edition” featured high prize money, sensational battles and a reach of over 2.2 million views at the e-sports showdown.

© Reed Exhibitions/David Faber
Record viewership at Lockdown – Thanks to Coca-Cola and Magenta Gigakraft, the VCA Finals was the e-sports highlight of the year for the communities, and in its fourth edition was able to thrill over 41,000 viewers in one weekend.
FIFA and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate with exciting battles
In its second edition, the “Coca-Cola eSoccer Cup 2020” was once again a worthy finale to the season in autumn. The game played was the brand new FIFA21. The registrations were full within a few days and so 303 participants from all over the German-speaking countries took part. The who’s who of the Fifa scene, including world champions, runners-up and German champions, will battle it out for 2,000 euros in prize money. Via live stream, thousands of viewers followed how Joe Hellmann prevailed over Maik Schwieger in an exciting final.
Title defense of “Glutonny”, Europe’s number 1
The legendary tournament series “Coca-Cola Breakpoint Ultimate” also broke all records once again. In the “Open Qualifier” the two Spaniards, AndresFN and Sisqui, fought their way through a 256 player bracket and qualified for the Top-16 Invitational with a prize pot of 5,300 euros. On Saturday, there was a small sensation at the beginning: the Austrian “Dimichi” could immediately take a game from the European number 1 “Glutonny”, but then lost clearly. It remained exciting until the end and in the end “Glutonny” and the notorious Wifi warrior “OwlBBs” met. A much sought-after match that finally came true. The tough tournament day had made itself felt in both players, but in the end “Glutonny” was able to defend his title as Europe’s number 1. (+++)
7,300 Euro prize money + Xbox Series X – the VCA is waiting in the wings!
The “VCA Vienna Challengers Arena performance by Magenta – Online Edition” offers top players, high prize money and a sensational raffle at the e-sports highlight of the year.

© Reed Exhibitions/David Faber
Premiere: E-Sports despite Lockdown – Thanks to Coca-Cola and Magenta Gigakraft, the E-Sports highlight is secured for the communities and goes into its fourth year with a prize money of 7,300 euros at the weekend in the first Online Edition. In addition to the big prize money, a brand new Xbox Series X awaits one lucky winner!
FIFA and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate promise high prize money
The registrations were full within a few days and so over 270 participants from the entire German-speaking region will compete in the “Coca-Cola eSoccer Cup 2020”. The who’s who of the Fifa scene will not only battle it out for the honor, but also for 2,000 euros in prize money. Live stream, commentary and analysis in the usual professional manner by FIFA legend, coach and influencer Mario Viska on
The legendary tournament series “Coca-Cola Breakpoint Ultimate” once again breaks all records! When it comes to 5,300 euros in prize money, Europe’s top elite will be in action. So not only Europe’s #1, “Glutonny” from France, will be at the start, but also five other top ten players of the European ranking. Live on
FM4 Good Game Festival for the good cause
VIECC® Vienna Comic Con supports FM4’s Good Game Festival with three program items for the benefit of Marienambulanz Graz. Help support this great Caritas project. Live on (+++)
No lockdown without e-sports
Reed Exhibitions Austria promises: There’s no giving up! The “VCA Vienna Challengers Arena performance by Magenta – Online Edition” features top players and high prize money at the e-sports highlight of the year.
Four weeks ago, organizer Reed Exhibitions decided to cancel the physical staging of the “VCA Vienna Challengers Arena performance by Magenta”. However, there was a great deal of support from fans and partners to hold the e-sports highlight online in the fall. On the traditional date, on November 21, 2020, the online competition will be for fun, honor and, of course, high prize money. Both Coca-Cola and Magenta ensure the support of the communities and the e-sports idea in Austria. Thanks to gigakraft Internet, all games will be streamed live and in top quality.
FIFA and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate promise exciting duels
More than ever, the e-sports community is looking forward to the upcoming matches at the “Coca-Cola eSoccer Cup 2020”. The game is the brand new FIFA21. For amateurs as well as professionals a prize money of 2.000 Euro is at stake. FIFA legend, coach and influencer Mario Viska will not only make his channel available for this, but will also be there live as a professional for analysis and commentary in his usual manner.

© by Laurence Wreford
The legendary tournament series “Coca-Cola Breakpoint Ultimate” had to be interrupted after six of eight stops because of the situation around Corona. However, there will still be a final with the best eight players. They will meet at the “Coca-Cola Breakpoint Ultimate Final – Invitational.” To top it off, the best player in Europe, “Glutonny” from France, will also compete against the finalists for a prize pot of 5,300 euros. (+++)